I actually did try to think of at least one that I could fire off during conversation when asked, but that's my problem. I can't think of just one. My brain automatically kicks into the list making mode and before I knew it my list was growing longer and longer. You're probably thinking "Wow, she has that many things that she resolves to change?" I don't...but I do have so very much that I would like to accomplish in 2012 which is why instead of making resolutions, I have instead made a 2012 "to-do" list of what I plan and sincerely hope to accomplish. The list is actually very in depth and interesting, but I have chosen not to share it. After all...a girl's gotta have some secrets right? Nothing big gets accomplished in one day. Instead it is accomplished with a hundred tiny steps that happen throughout the year. New Year's Resolutions should be nothing more than a starting point. I have printed this list off and framed it and have placed it in a prominent area of my home so that I am reminded of them on a daily basis and never lose sight of these goals.
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2012 is going to be a great year full of growth, change, many accomplishments and happiness simply because I'm going to make it happen! The only dreams that are impossible to reach are the dreams that you never pursue. Life is too short and I would rather be able to say that I tried than to say that I wish I would have tried. Doing even just a wee bit of something is so much better than not doing anything at all. At the end of 2012 I will share my list in it's entirety and reveal the goals that I have met, and even the goals that I didn't. Hopefully there won't be many of those! And if there are times when I get discouraged or think that I'm not meeting my goals quickly enough, I'm going to remember that even a turtle makes progress when it sticks it's neck out.
There are however, 2 items on my list that I will share with you today simply because you will see so much of them when revisiting my blog. And as time goes on I will share more of my list along with letting you know why those things are so important to me.
Number one from my 2012 list is to take one idea each week from my boards on Pinterest, and actually do it! If you haven't been on Pinterest yet, you absolutely have to take some time and visit that site.
Can you say AMAZING? It's an endless supply of inspiration for me! Full of craft ideas, recipes, quotes, tutorials, beauty tips, household tips, D.I.Y.'s, fashion tips, and the list goes on and on and on. And everything is so very do-able! I have acquired so many absolutely wonderful pins on my boards and now I'm making a point of actually creating these pins. Each week I will randomly pick something from my boards a.k.a. "wish list" and you can look forward to a weekly blog update along with photos of what I have chosen to make that week. Home is where the heart is, and a 'lil bit of your heart goes into projects that you create. You can just imagine how excited I am that Chatham is actually getting a Michaels.
I couldn't resist including this link to an awesome soy candle making video tutorial that is probably the best one that I have seen! My daughter is a follower of hers on Youtube and I have to admit that I too have become a follower! She has many different videos that are all very interesting to watch. Very likeable girl!
Number two from my 2012 list is to take more photos all throughout the year. There are so many benefits to this one! A photograph is a captured memory that we can look back on in years to come. And, you learn by doing. The more pictures that you take, the more creative that you get. I don't have a fancy camera at this point but...and I love this quote..."Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer, it makes you a Nikon owner" My little camera will now be my best friend, and although my photos may not have the approval of photography critics, I'm going to keep in mind that every artist was at first an amateur. My plan is to take photos all throughout the week, and then once a week I will share my favourites with you with a weekly photo dump. You can look forward to photos of many different moments that catch my eye throughout the week.
So on that happy note, I'm off! Thanks so much for taking the time to read what is close to my heart, and if there are times when you think that I need a little bit of encouragement, or perhaps a kick in the butt, please feel free to let me know.