October 01, 2011

My 52 Week Organizational Challenge

For a good part of us, organizing is a chore!  A chore that we tend to put off for as long as we possibly can.  We're all probably a little guilty of using many different tactics to avoid this chore.  Some of us may totally avoid going into that cluttered room in our house.  And then there are those that throw random items into a closet or drawer and then just pretend that they don't exist.  Out of sight, out of mind?  After all, who really enjoys looking at a pile of paperwork or countless things that don't belong where they are?  And my personal favorite is when you need something out of a certain cupboard or closet, and you make sure that you open that door and close it again really, really fast before something falls out!  

I often find myself stashing things, just because it's quicker than taking the time to find an appropriate spot for it.  Of course, I always tell myself that I'll come back later when I have more time to put it where it belongs.  But...as you may have guessed, later never seems to come.  And that, is exactly how things begin to build up until the point is reached where we feel overwhelmed.  

I have often been accused of being a perfectionist with myself, and after doing some in depth research, I've come to the conclusion that  yes...I most definitely am a perfectionist.  The dictionary definition of a perfectionist is a person who is displeased by anything that does not meet very high standards.  If you are under the impression that being a perfectionist is a good thing, then do a little research of your own, and you will find out that this is not an admirable trait!  

People in general, tend to focus on the 1st part of the word “Perfect” and think that perfectionists are just that.  Perfect!  And it would just seem natural that perfectionists are neat freaks and that our homes are so perfect that someone could walk in at a moment's notice and find a picture perfect home, free of clutter. 
Well, I'm here to say that perfectionists have the same problems with clutter and unorganized areas of their homes that other people do.    It weighs on our mind constantly, even when we should be focusing on something else or maybe even just relaxing for a change and having fun. Nope..our minds are still thinking about that closet that is stuffed full, or the filing cabinet that needs to be organized.  My mental to-do list is endless!  What may seem to be a normal amount of clutter or mess to an average person is often insurmountable for a perfectionist.  Normal people would just dive in and take care of the clutter, and realize that even a small amount of time and effort can make a difference.  A perfectionist though doesn’t want to even attempt it unless they have enough time to do it perfectly and completely.  We instead save it for the day where we can devote the entire day solely to that.  But that day never comes, because there are always other things that seem to creep up like work, groceries, errands, yardwork, laundry, etc. etc. etc.   And then, in order to begin organizing we find ourselves getting caught up in trivial details such as deciding where to move the stuff to.  We can't possibly move it to another place, unless we first make sure that the new spot is organized first.  And then we stew about what we can put the stuff into.  It should be in pretty, matching baskets with labels, or maybe matching Rubbermaid totes.  Not just mismatched containers that end up being stuffed into a closet!  Have you seen some of the fabulous storage containers on pinterest??  I think I definitely need more hours in a day!

I could go on and on about why being a perfectionist makes dealing with clutter and unorganization really difficult!  Instead though, this is where I say "ENOUGH"!  My coat closet may not look as pretty as the one in the blog that I seen yesterday,  my storage containers may not be as creative and pleasing to the eye as yours, and my craft room may just be a work in progress, but at least it will be that!  A work in progress, and not just sitting idle waiting until everything is perfect.  Because as we all know, or will learn, there is no such thing as perfect!  Having a totally organized home where everything has it's own special place seems so far fetched in today's busy society, but, just like most projects, if you break it down you realize that almost anything is within your power.  And you also realize that 

"Sometimes done is better than perfect"

All of the above provides you with the background for why I have decided to take on a 52 week organizational challenge.   For the next 52 weeks, I will concentrate on a different area in my home that I feel needs to be organized.  Some weeks, I hope to be able to get more than one area accomplished in order to arrive at the end of the list way before 52 weeks is up.  I really don't want to wait 1 whole year before everything is organized to my satisfaction.  But..I also realize that things will come up, and I want to make realistic goals that I am totally capable of meeting.  If I do arrive at the end of my list in only 20 weeks?  Then, I just might have to celebrate!  

Along the way I will share my inspirations for each area, as well as photos of what I have accomplished, and even some tutorials, and who knows...maybe even inspire!   
  "A year from now, you will wish you had started today "  
Pinterest has provided me with so many amazing ideas!  Have I ever mentioned that I love Pinterest??  That is one of the wonderful, positive things about this wonderful world of technology.  We can learn so much from other people.  People that we normally wouldn't even have the opportunity to encounter in a day.  Have "pinned" so many awesome pins that I hope to be able to use to help make organization easier, prettier, and much more enjoyable such as:  

Pretty, but oh so practical way of storing headbands..

Love this idea for storing nailpolish!  I've already found a spice rack from the thrift store and all it needs now is to be painted..

Love this idea for storing makeup brushes!  My daughter has already done this with hers, but with colored sand instead of coffee beans


These shutters would be perfect in my craft room..

Cute for hanging keys on, and so easy to make!

And the ultimate way of organizing and storing photos!

Totally have to find one of these for our hangers!

And one of my favorite ideas...the spice drawer!  Already have the jars for it.

Although..instead of chalkboard paint on top of the lids, I'm going to do mine like this with labels..

Really think that I should put this above washing machine and dryer.  Cute, but handy!

Cute, and soooo going to do this for mine!

Love this too...Mine always seem to get crushed!

Love this and sooooo doing this!

I've actually already purchased a used chest for this purpose.  Just have to refinish it :-)

Perfect for thread storage for my craft room...

No more tangled necklaces!

See what I mean?  Soooooo inspired to begin!  Stay tuned for my progress and updated pictures!

"Some people look for a beautiful place...others make a place beautiful"


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