January 04, 2012

"Happy New Year"

Happy New Year!!  The new year has arrived and along with it a fresh start and 366 days (it's Leap Year ) to live life to the fullest.  Time to put 2011 behind us, and concentrate on today and the future.  A time to reflect on the changes that we want or need.  So on that very positive note I found myself mulling over my New Year's Resolutions.  Only, wait a minute...I didn't make any!  Most people seem to come up with somewhat vague resolutions such as get healthier, get organized, lose 20 pounds, save more money, and these resolutions are often so huge that in two days, a week, or a month, the resolution is put on the back burner and then quickly forgotten.  

I actually did try to think of at least one that I could fire off during conversation when asked, but that's my problem.  I can't think of just one.  My brain automatically kicks into the list making mode and before I knew it my list was growing longer and longer.  You're probably thinking "Wow, she has that many things that she resolves to change?"  I don't...but I do have so very much that I would like to accomplish in 2012 which is why instead of making resolutions, I have instead made a 2012 "to-do" list of what I plan and sincerely hope to accomplish.  The list is actually very in depth and interesting, but I have chosen not to share it.   After all...a girl's gotta have some secrets right?  Nothing big gets accomplished in one day.  Instead it is accomplished with a hundred tiny steps that happen throughout the year.  New Year's Resolutions should be nothing more than a starting point.  I have printed this list off and framed it and have placed it in a prominent area of my home so that I am reminded of them on a daily basis and never lose sight of these goals.  

2012 is going to be a great year full of growth, change, many accomplishments and happiness simply because I'm going to make it happen!  The only dreams that are impossible to reach are the dreams that you never pursue.  Life is too short and I would rather be able to say that I tried than to say that I wish I would have tried.  Doing even just a wee bit of something is so much better than not doing anything at all.  At the end of 2012 I will share my list in it's entirety and reveal the goals that I have met, and even the goals that I didn't.  Hopefully there won't be many of those!  And if there are times when I get discouraged or think that I'm not meeting my goals quickly enough, I'm going to remember that even a turtle makes progress when it sticks it's neck out.  

Words can't express just how excited I am to be able to tick off the items that I do accomplish throughout the year, especially since they are all items that are so very important to "me".  

There are however, 2 items on my list that I will share with you today simply because you will see so much of them when revisiting my blog.  And as time goes on I will share more of my list along with letting you know why those things are so important to me.  

Number one from my 2012 list is to take one idea each week from my boards on Pinterest, and actually do it!  If you haven't been on Pinterest yet, you absolutely have to take some time and visit that site. 

Can you say AMAZING?  It's an endless supply of inspiration for me!  Full of craft ideas, recipes, quotes, tutorials, beauty tips, household tips, D.I.Y.'s, fashion tips, and the list goes on and on and on.  And everything is so very do-able!  I have acquired so many absolutely wonderful pins on my boards and now I'm making a point of actually creating these pins.  Each week I will randomly pick something from my boards a.k.a. "wish list" and you can look forward to a weekly blog update along with photos of what I have chosen to make that week.  Home is where the heart is, and a 'lil bit of your heart goes into projects that you create.  You can just imagine how excited I am that Chatham is actually getting a Michaels.

I couldn't resist including this link to an awesome soy candle making video tutorial that is probably the best one that I have seen!  My daughter is a follower of hers on Youtube and I have to admit that I too have become a follower!  She has many different videos that are all very interesting to watch.  Very likeable girl!  

Number two from my 2012 list is to take more photos all throughout the year.  There are so many benefits to this one!  A photograph is a captured memory that we can look back on in years to come.  And, you learn by doing.  The more pictures that you take, the more creative that you get.  I don't have a fancy camera at this point but...and I love this quote..."Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer, it makes you a Nikon owner"  My little camera will now be my best friend, and although my photos may not have the approval of photography critics, I'm going to keep in mind that every artist was at first an amateur.  My plan is to take photos all throughout the week, and then once a week I will share my favourites with you with a weekly photo dump.  You can look forward to photos of many different moments that catch my eye throughout the week. 

So on that happy note, I'm off!  Thanks so much for taking the time to read what is close to my heart, and if there are times when you think that I need a little bit of encouragement, or perhaps a kick in the butt, please feel free to let me know.  


October 19, 2011

For The Love of Fall

"Autumn is a second spring when every flower is a leaf." 


Fall, truly is my favorite season.  The cooler weather and crisp air, the changing of the leaves, the selection of locally grown apples, decorating pumpkins, pretty potted mums, homemade pies, soups, chili, stews, and raking leaves.  For those that just seem to be able to complain that winter is on it's way, take the time to cherish the cycles of our seasons!  Open your eyes so that you can see the beauty in everything.  Think back to your childhood days when a pile of leaves was soooo much more then a nuisance.

Gone for now, are the days of carving Jack-O'-Lanterns.  No more little children at home to get excited about removing the pulp and seeds from inside of the pumpkin, or roasting the seeds (which we did every year, but nobody ever ate more than just a few to taste them), or creating unique faces, each one different from the next.  I will return to this pleasure I'm sure, when I am blessed with Grandchildren.  But for now, pumpkins in our home have taken on a whole new look.
Not sure yet, which ones I will do, but these are some of my favorites!

Love these for an Autumn / Halloween Mantle

If I had this type of a fence, I would sooooo do these!

Love this pumpkin...Simple, but cute!

Going to do the pumpkin on the top right.

And the polka dots..

Love this for the front entry!

And, if I didn't have a screen door, I would totally do this!  Soooo cute!

And this would be cute for a Halloween candy station

Those are just a handful of some of the decorating ideas that I have for this year...with Pinterest, the possibilities are endless!

Now....on to the ideas for the kitchen.  Can't wait to try these!

Pumpkin Cake made using 2 Bundt pans

Pumpkin Roll

How delicious does this look?  Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bread

And a different twist on dumplings...Spiral Apple Dumplings

And Pumpkin Cupcakes...

And Apple Crumble Squares...Mmmmmm

Pumpkin Dump Cake - So easy!

Potato Soup in the CrockPot on a Brisk Fall Day

And a pot full of chili...you'll notice that this picture doesn't have a link only because I swear by my own recipe which I will share with you at a later date..Sooooo good!

And cute sweaters for the dogs...

Enjoy every little thing about Autumn.  It's here and gone so quickly!

October 14, 2011

Let Whatever You Do Today, Be Enough

Yesterday was my only day off from work this week, and I had so much that I had hoped to accomplish during that one day.  Except...the clock kept ticking, and before I knew it the day had come to it's end, and my to-do list wasn't even barely touched! 

How does that happen you ask?  Well, to start with, I was organized and took the time to make a list of errands that I had to do, and items that I had to purchase.  I even gave myself a time frame to complete this list in!  And then off to the stores I went.  Now, I don't know about you, but sticking to a list is really, really hard for me!  Before I knew it a good chunk of the day had disappeared and my trunk was full.  And then there was car shopping for my daughter's first car, dinner, the never ending laundry, housework, playing with the dogs, and before I knew it the day was finished.  

Part of me can't help but feeling disappointed for all of the things that I didn't get to, but on the brighter side of things?  My to-do list will still be there.  That is something that I have definitely learned.  So I've proved to myself once again that I'm human and didn't get my daily goals accomplished.  Now I have a choice!

I can either feel disappointed in myself, or I can make a mental list of the things that I "did" accomplish and be happy for it!  Life shouldn't be about what you didn't accomplish, or couldn't afford, or couldn't be.  Instead, it should be about what you did accomplish, what you should be thankful for, who you are, and how happy and fulfilled you are.  Being happy is a choice! Count your blessings!

"Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have"

Take a long and serious look at what you do have, and soon you will have plenty of reasons to be happy!  

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet"

While wanting to achieve more in your life is good, being obsessed by it is not.  Be happy for what you have and where you are in life.  

"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor, it's to enjoy each step along the way"

  Treasure every moment that you have, and remember that time waits for no one!


October 07, 2011

October's To-Do List of Projects

Time seems to be flying by soooo quickly that I figured I'd better make myself one of my famous "to-do" lists to stay focused and not get side tracked!  So....on that happy note here is just a few of the projects that I "WILL"accomplish in October.  

I have already begun sanding our dining room table and throughout this process have acquired a totally different inspiration for it.  The goal originally was to take it from this:

to this look:


But, I think with the dining room table, chairs, and hutch, it's going to be too much white.  So...thanks to Pinterest where I get so much inspiration from, the plan is now to redo it like this:

Soooo much more in love with this look!  Purchased the stain and paint this week, so let the fun begin!

I also have purchased the pattern, and material so that I can make one of the first products that I will be excited to promote on Etsy as well as my Facebook page for Domesticated Darlings, and hope to have my first few finished by November.  Darling, vintage style aprons....which I will eventually offer in many different styles and patterns.  One of the first few will be the bottom left style with this material:

And the next will be the style on the right side of the pattern except in a different print:


And the third one for this month will be the style on the right also in a different print:

I am also in the process of working on different packaging ideas for the finished products and just have to narrow it down to my favorite...

So that in a nutshell are my big goals for the month of October as well as my weekly organizational challenge projects, Thanksgiving, working full time, a few surprise projects that I will update you with and the new addition of a puppy this weekend...Busy, busy, busy, but so very blessed and happy!

"Let whatever you do today, be enough."

October 01, 2011

My 52 Week Organizational Challenge

For a good part of us, organizing is a chore!  A chore that we tend to put off for as long as we possibly can.  We're all probably a little guilty of using many different tactics to avoid this chore.  Some of us may totally avoid going into that cluttered room in our house.  And then there are those that throw random items into a closet or drawer and then just pretend that they don't exist.  Out of sight, out of mind?  After all, who really enjoys looking at a pile of paperwork or countless things that don't belong where they are?  And my personal favorite is when you need something out of a certain cupboard or closet, and you make sure that you open that door and close it again really, really fast before something falls out!  

I often find myself stashing things, just because it's quicker than taking the time to find an appropriate spot for it.  Of course, I always tell myself that I'll come back later when I have more time to put it where it belongs.  But...as you may have guessed, later never seems to come.  And that, is exactly how things begin to build up until the point is reached where we feel overwhelmed.  

I have often been accused of being a perfectionist with myself, and after doing some in depth research, I've come to the conclusion that  yes...I most definitely am a perfectionist.  The dictionary definition of a perfectionist is a person who is displeased by anything that does not meet very high standards.  If you are under the impression that being a perfectionist is a good thing, then do a little research of your own, and you will find out that this is not an admirable trait!  

People in general, tend to focus on the 1st part of the word “Perfect” and think that perfectionists are just that.  Perfect!  And it would just seem natural that perfectionists are neat freaks and that our homes are so perfect that someone could walk in at a moment's notice and find a picture perfect home, free of clutter. 
Well, I'm here to say that perfectionists have the same problems with clutter and unorganized areas of their homes that other people do.    It weighs on our mind constantly, even when we should be focusing on something else or maybe even just relaxing for a change and having fun. Nope..our minds are still thinking about that closet that is stuffed full, or the filing cabinet that needs to be organized.  My mental to-do list is endless!  What may seem to be a normal amount of clutter or mess to an average person is often insurmountable for a perfectionist.  Normal people would just dive in and take care of the clutter, and realize that even a small amount of time and effort can make a difference.  A perfectionist though doesn’t want to even attempt it unless they have enough time to do it perfectly and completely.  We instead save it for the day where we can devote the entire day solely to that.  But that day never comes, because there are always other things that seem to creep up like work, groceries, errands, yardwork, laundry, etc. etc. etc.   And then, in order to begin organizing we find ourselves getting caught up in trivial details such as deciding where to move the stuff to.  We can't possibly move it to another place, unless we first make sure that the new spot is organized first.  And then we stew about what we can put the stuff into.  It should be in pretty, matching baskets with labels, or maybe matching Rubbermaid totes.  Not just mismatched containers that end up being stuffed into a closet!  Have you seen some of the fabulous storage containers on pinterest??  I think I definitely need more hours in a day!

I could go on and on about why being a perfectionist makes dealing with clutter and unorganization really difficult!  Instead though, this is where I say "ENOUGH"!  My coat closet may not look as pretty as the one in the blog that I seen yesterday,  my storage containers may not be as creative and pleasing to the eye as yours, and my craft room may just be a work in progress, but at least it will be that!  A work in progress, and not just sitting idle waiting until everything is perfect.  Because as we all know, or will learn, there is no such thing as perfect!  Having a totally organized home where everything has it's own special place seems so far fetched in today's busy society, but, just like most projects, if you break it down you realize that almost anything is within your power.  And you also realize that 

"Sometimes done is better than perfect"

All of the above provides you with the background for why I have decided to take on a 52 week organizational challenge.   For the next 52 weeks, I will concentrate on a different area in my home that I feel needs to be organized.  Some weeks, I hope to be able to get more than one area accomplished in order to arrive at the end of the list way before 52 weeks is up.  I really don't want to wait 1 whole year before everything is organized to my satisfaction.  But..I also realize that things will come up, and I want to make realistic goals that I am totally capable of meeting.  If I do arrive at the end of my list in only 20 weeks?  Then, I just might have to celebrate!  

Along the way I will share my inspirations for each area, as well as photos of what I have accomplished, and even some tutorials, and who knows...maybe even inspire!   
  "A year from now, you will wish you had started today "  
Pinterest has provided me with so many amazing ideas!  Have I ever mentioned that I love Pinterest??  That is one of the wonderful, positive things about this wonderful world of technology.  We can learn so much from other people.  People that we normally wouldn't even have the opportunity to encounter in a day.  Have "pinned" so many awesome pins that I hope to be able to use to help make organization easier, prettier, and much more enjoyable such as:  

Pretty, but oh so practical way of storing headbands..

Love this idea for storing nailpolish!  I've already found a spice rack from the thrift store and all it needs now is to be painted..

Love this idea for storing makeup brushes!  My daughter has already done this with hers, but with colored sand instead of coffee beans


These shutters would be perfect in my craft room..

Cute for hanging keys on, and so easy to make!

And the ultimate way of organizing and storing photos!

Totally have to find one of these for our hangers!

And one of my favorite ideas...the spice drawer!  Already have the jars for it.

Although..instead of chalkboard paint on top of the lids, I'm going to do mine like this with labels..

Really think that I should put this above washing machine and dryer.  Cute, but handy!

Cute, and soooo going to do this for mine!

Love this too...Mine always seem to get crushed!

Love this and sooooo doing this!

I've actually already purchased a used chest for this purpose.  Just have to refinish it :-)

Perfect for thread storage for my craft room...

No more tangled necklaces!

See what I mean?  Soooooo inspired to begin!  Stay tuned for my progress and updated pictures!

"Some people look for a beautiful place...others make a place beautiful"